Julie Burchill has written a nasty, transphobic screed in Comment is Free in today's Observer.
The piece can be found here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jan/13/julie-burchill-suzanne-moore-transsexuals WARNING: Sick bag recommended.
Background: Suzanne Moore -- who is a personal friend of Burchill -- made a thoughtless remark that society's ideal shape for a woman's body is that of a Brazilian transsexual. When it was pointed out to her that this was insensitive and why, instead of apologising and moving on like an adult, Moore doubled down.
Today, Burchill uses her position of privilege to vomit a piece of cliché-ridden bile not so much in support of her friend, but simply against trans women. Her thesis being that we are somehow inferior to "natural-born women". Sorry, but with friends using phrases like "dicks in chicks' clothing" and "bed-wetters in bad wigs", who needs enemies?
I was more accepted as a woman by a bunch of builders shouting "Show us your tits, love!" from the safety of their scaffolding, than by this Julie Burchill.
I will be complaining to the authorities about this. (Read how to complain here -- thanks to the F word UK) The article is quite evidently illegal hate speech. It would also be nice to see a court order that any advertising revenues earned from printing this filth be forfeit.
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